Friday, September 28, 2012

I know not what is happening

Darcy Speaking:

Briana and I are probably the most boring bloggers in the history of blogging. I mean I was all gung-ho about getting down to business and blogging every day and getting sponsors and taking fun pictures....

Hmmm... That hasn't really been working out. A: Because all we do is go to school, work, watch t.v., read and repeat. So pretty much that doesn't add up to an exciting blog. I read blogs and the people who have entertaining blogs do the following:

1. Have lots of money or are thrifty and shop. Therefore they can do blogs about their cute clothing choices.

2. Have an expensive camera so that every picture they take seems professional and it can be a picture of the dumbest things.

3. Are married and talk about married life and how much fun they have with being married.

4. Have kids. So now they can talk about how much fun it is to be a mom and do mommy things.

5. Have houses so they can talk about all the artsy and crafty things they do around their house to make it beautiful and livable. 

Point of the story... I don't have any of those things. So I guess it is a moot point for me to even take up cyberspace with my boring little blog about nothing... I mean I don't really have a boring life but I don't think it is spicy enough to amount to a blog post everyday. I think I am what society would call... average. Which is kind of ironic because my other blog is about overcoming mediocrity. Speaking of which that blog was actually funny. I think I might be going downhill...

Hmmm. Oxymoron??

Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Short and Pointless Post

Darcy Speaking:

So I haven't posted anything in the past couple weeks because I have been super busy... Or I like to think that I have been busy. It was my birthday this past week and I turned 22 years old! Wow. Crazy huh? Yesterday someone was shocked that I was 22 because they thought I was only 20... I know it is only a 2 year difference but still that is a whole 2 years! My mom said it was probably just because I act really immature, but let us pretend it is because I look like a baby.

I had to go to the dentist on my birthday. It wasn't too bad though. I had to get some cavities filled so for the first time in my life they gave me a shot to the mouth to numb me. I really have never had that before so it was so awful. What a horrible feeling.

Well I feel idiotic for posting this post... But in all actuality I really don't have anything else to add. Sad I know. That is the story of my life though.

Slow going. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Briana Speaking.
I have taken it upon myself to tell you what Darcy and I did last night. Maybe Darcy will also give you her perspective in  the matter but for now, you hear from me.
We saw Matisyahu!!! O my goodness, so good, and fun! I'll start from the beginning starting at just before we left the house...Actually at the beginning of the day because I want to.

I started my day by going to orientation at the colony (for those of you who don't know, the beautist colony is what I call cosmetology school). It seems I am the youngest in attendance, unless someone younger has started before me which is very possible. Any who, I signed a couple pages, got a tour of the place and proceeded to head home until about half way where I passed Darcy and Mom; I then parked the car and rode back from whence I came so that we may take Darcy to the dentist. After we ate we headed home. When we were home I started talking to mom about colony books I had gotten far into what I was saying when she said "sorry, I didn't hear any of that" I got mad because I had just had an entire conversation with myself. She insisted I repeat everything but I refused. She then went on saying that if I didn't repeat myself we were not to leave the house. I told her that she had no control over if we went or not, then I called shotgun which only made her more angry saying "I will not take back seat to you anymore!". I ignored her and proceeded to the front door. She ran in front of me straight to the car where she laid herself out on the hood of the car.So I informed her "by doing this you are only cheating yourself out of the front seat". She couldn't get off the hood quick enough to stop me from sitting shot gun. as i buckled myself up she said to darcy "Don't start the car, we'll sweat her out". I pulled my set of keys out of my purse and turned the A/C on. She gave up and voiced that unless I told her what I had said she wouldn't go so I told her and we went on our way to the city to see Matisyahu!
When we got to the outside of the venue I insisted that Darcy and I find a bathroom but we waited until we got inside; either way Darcy got upset that I had to "go" because she wanted to be as close to the stage as possible. We still got pretty close.
I couldn't even tell you what the opening band was. I don't think they ever said who they were. In my opinion they did all right but they weren't very good. Here's where it gets good. so the first to come out was the lead guitarist. He was good looking with his slicked back black hair and nice clothes and when they started playing and singing he proved to be a better singer than the lead singer. At one point he really got into the music (when I say at one point, I mean the middle of the first song), he started jumping and his guitar was flying with him. I laughed at this motion and jokingly said to Darcy that he was gonna hit himself with his guitar. Not a two minutes later Darcy turned to me and said "he's bleeding" that's right folks, my joke was truth. The lead guitarist was hit near his eye with his own guitar. The blood that had streamed down his face remained on his face for the rest of their set. Now, the crowd was rather calm until one song and they began a small mosh pit right next to Darcy (who was on my right). Darcy had warned me to run if one formed but this one was pretty small. It was the stupidest thing I had ever seen. They weren't even dancing. It was like a human rubber band thing but no rubber band (if that makes sense). They were just running into each other and pushing each other. I told Darcy to put her elbow out so that running into her would hurt them and not her. She didn't hold them off too well because she kept landing on me and that resulted in me stepping on and pushing the people behind me. So Darcy switched me places and I was not going to be pushed around by the shenanigans of these hoods. So I planted my feet :) and the elbows started flying. I was not gentle, if they were going to push me they got an elbow to the kidney (it was more just their back but kidney sounds better, maybe I did hit a couple kidneys...) and/or a rough push. I wouldn't be surprised if I gave a bruise or two.
That band left the stage and the mosh pit ceased to exist. a few guys from the pit ended up standing in front of us. But the one guy was completely leaning on me like he needed my support and his two friends seemed to be leaning on him. They were so sweaty! I was so disgusted, so I yelled at them as I pushed them off of me "Nasty sweaty men, Get off of me!!" the three of them got off of me and turned to look at me with their blank stares so I widened my eyes at them as if to say "What are you staring at?" so they said "sorry" and I replied "I bet." they turned back toward the stage as the one said "everyone sweats". People...
The Dirty Heads. The lead singer seamed ill groomed and I automatically took distaste to them because the lead singer was wearing a tank top and a Beanie. It didn't make sense. But I would not hold that against them until I heard the music. They were ok but not enough to temp me. The crowd loved them and were happy to dance and sing along. I was so bored and getting tired  and I couldn't imagine myself being able to get excited for what I came for: Matisyahu; until I saw movement from the side of the stage/backstage. An elevator door opened and I saw a couple people walk out. Darcy and I looked at each other because we had just seen Matisyahu. I got happier than I thought I was capable and I just wanted the Dirty Heads to get off the stage until Matis came out and started singing with them. Just hearing his voice brought my spirits up and I started dancing. What made me even happier, it's like he knew I was coming, He didn't wear an LA hat and was sporting a lumber jack shirt!
I will now ask Darcy to write about her almost beating a couple of drunk older people up. I really thought she would pull some hair or throw a punch.
she said no. so i will tell it because i was there.
So the Dirty Heads were done and the stage was being readied for Matisyahu when suddenly a couple people started pushing through the crowd making everyone around them angry. they even moved past us thinking they were entitled a place closer than we were. I was upset because they made an already tight quarters even tighter. OK this couple was like in their late forties. Besides them the oldest people were like 26. So the lady was discussing with this guy how to get closer to the front and I was like "Go to the back! Just get out of here!" But he thought it would be funny to pretend to be deaf. It wasn't funny. Darcy then chimed in (her really being deaf, wasn't going to tolerate it) "How old are you?!" when he heard this he decided he'd move on from being deaf to being foreign. "It's not funny!" he then dropped the act so he could tell everyone we were mean. Darcy continued to shout as I pushed her away trying to calm her down. I turned to the people behind us and asked if they wanted to switch us spots. They seemed confused that we would want to be farther from the stage so I rephrased it "please switch us places" he replied "you don't want to be by the pushing?" I said yes and we switched.
Matisyahu's music started to play and the crowd went crazy with excitement. Hearing Matisyahu sing made all the madness almost worth it (almost? if you'd have been there you'd understand what I mean). We danced and sang along with the music, even though Darcy had a hard time deciphering what songs he was singing, what with the slight tweak in the songs, I knew what he was singing and I loved every second of it! He too danced around. The drummer, working hard, was soaked with sweat within the first two songs. I just cannot express how great it was to hear him sing! The crowd was disgusting but he was marvelous. What else can I say about it?

Mom picked us up and we headed to IN-N-OUT Burger. We made sure to get water because we were so thirsty. So much so in fact that we didn't even realize we were hungry until our thirst was quenched. All in all if was a good day.

Tomorrow is Darcy's Birthday...Just sayin...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tired and Tired of Mice.

Briana Speaking:
For those of you who don't know, I like to sleep. Not only do I like to sleep, I need my sleep. If I miss out on sleep (usually caused by waking up early) I am tired for days. I'm insane when I'm tired (more so than usual). I laugh at things that aren't funny, I cry at things that aren't sad, and I get angry about things that shouldn't make anyone angry. Why do I bring this up you may ask. I'll tell you. I'm tired. I had to be into work at 7am which meant I had to leave at 6:15am which meant I had to wake up at at least 5:30am. It was awful! I feel so bad for people who have to wake up at that time or earlier every day. No one should be out at that time! The answer to this problem would usually just be: go to bed earlier. But something has been happening in our house lately that has made that hard.
A couple days ago Darcy was in the kitchen peeling a peach and she saw a mouse. The rest of the day Darcy refused to go into the kitchen (which caused problems for me since she usually does the cooking) and if she had to go anywhere in the house she would march/stomp there. It was very annoying and it happily ended that night when we were watching TV and heard a loud snap. we turned our heads toward the kitchen and Darcy said "The trap!" it would've been funny had we not been so worried about getting mom and Ryan into the kitchen to take it out. Thankfully Ryan had not yet fallen asleep and was able to save us, or so we thought. Ryan only placed the mouse in the garbage and mom insisted she take it out to the trash because she wanted to do something first. That "something" came at our expense. Mom's idea was to chase us with the mouse bag. Darcy and I ran into Mom's room where I jumped across the bed and Darcy stood on the chair where I heard her say "My head!" Darcy apparently forgot that she was tall and there was a ceiling fan above that chair. She says the fan only grazed her head but I know the truth. We thought that was the end of our little mouse trouble.
We were wrong. It's been war! I got out of the shower and one was in the bathroom. We caught one in the Kitchen. The end right? Not the end. I was holding my niece and saw a mouse run into my moms room. I thought that was a safe room!! Last night I went to get ready for a bed and saw another one! Is no where safe! Then I thought about it, no where is! See here's what I realized: the bathroom, my mom's room, and the kitchen are all just destinations for the little varmint, where are they coming from?! all the places in between? I don't know what to do... Why am I losing sleep over this you may ask? WHY WOULDN'T I BE? THERE ARE MICE IN MY HOUSE?! But here is the reason: I can't get ready for bed without a mouse running by forcing me to find higher ground. Second Reason: my bed is up against the wall shared by the bathroom; there is a mouse inside that wall that enjoys scratching the wall, making me cringe, making it hard to sleep without my headphones blasting and even then it's uncomfortable. It also wakes me up in the morning. So put those late nights with those early mornings and I become tired making it possible for me to cry on demand and genuinely be entertained by a bad joke and suddenly get road rage which I never have which I don't generally get. I just am tired of being tired and tired of mice. So we've declared war against the mice and I think and hope it is working.

Well I believe that's all. Have a nice mice free day. I'll pray for the same for me.