Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Short and Pointless Post

Darcy Speaking:

So I haven't posted anything in the past couple weeks because I have been super busy... Or I like to think that I have been busy. It was my birthday this past week and I turned 22 years old! Wow. Crazy huh? Yesterday someone was shocked that I was 22 because they thought I was only 20... I know it is only a 2 year difference but still that is a whole 2 years! My mom said it was probably just because I act really immature, but let us pretend it is because I look like a baby.

I had to go to the dentist on my birthday. It wasn't too bad though. I had to get some cavities filled so for the first time in my life they gave me a shot to the mouth to numb me. I really have never had that before so it was so awful. What a horrible feeling.

Well I feel idiotic for posting this post... But in all actuality I really don't have anything else to add. Sad I know. That is the story of my life though.

Slow going. 

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