Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tired and Tired of Mice.

Briana Speaking:
For those of you who don't know, I like to sleep. Not only do I like to sleep, I need my sleep. If I miss out on sleep (usually caused by waking up early) I am tired for days. I'm insane when I'm tired (more so than usual). I laugh at things that aren't funny, I cry at things that aren't sad, and I get angry about things that shouldn't make anyone angry. Why do I bring this up you may ask. I'll tell you. I'm tired. I had to be into work at 7am which meant I had to leave at 6:15am which meant I had to wake up at at least 5:30am. It was awful! I feel so bad for people who have to wake up at that time or earlier every day. No one should be out at that time! The answer to this problem would usually just be: go to bed earlier. But something has been happening in our house lately that has made that hard.
A couple days ago Darcy was in the kitchen peeling a peach and she saw a mouse. The rest of the day Darcy refused to go into the kitchen (which caused problems for me since she usually does the cooking) and if she had to go anywhere in the house she would march/stomp there. It was very annoying and it happily ended that night when we were watching TV and heard a loud snap. we turned our heads toward the kitchen and Darcy said "The trap!" it would've been funny had we not been so worried about getting mom and Ryan into the kitchen to take it out. Thankfully Ryan had not yet fallen asleep and was able to save us, or so we thought. Ryan only placed the mouse in the garbage and mom insisted she take it out to the trash because she wanted to do something first. That "something" came at our expense. Mom's idea was to chase us with the mouse bag. Darcy and I ran into Mom's room where I jumped across the bed and Darcy stood on the chair where I heard her say "My head!" Darcy apparently forgot that she was tall and there was a ceiling fan above that chair. She says the fan only grazed her head but I know the truth. We thought that was the end of our little mouse trouble.
We were wrong. It's been war! I got out of the shower and one was in the bathroom. We caught one in the Kitchen. The end right? Not the end. I was holding my niece and saw a mouse run into my moms room. I thought that was a safe room!! Last night I went to get ready for a bed and saw another one! Is no where safe! Then I thought about it, no where is! See here's what I realized: the bathroom, my mom's room, and the kitchen are all just destinations for the little varmint, where are they coming from?! all the places in between? I don't know what to do... Why am I losing sleep over this you may ask? WHY WOULDN'T I BE? THERE ARE MICE IN MY HOUSE?! But here is the reason: I can't get ready for bed without a mouse running by forcing me to find higher ground. Second Reason: my bed is up against the wall shared by the bathroom; there is a mouse inside that wall that enjoys scratching the wall, making me cringe, making it hard to sleep without my headphones blasting and even then it's uncomfortable. It also wakes me up in the morning. So put those late nights with those early mornings and I become tired making it possible for me to cry on demand and genuinely be entertained by a bad joke and suddenly get road rage which I never have which I don't generally get. I just am tired of being tired and tired of mice. So we've declared war against the mice and I think and hope it is working.

Well I believe that's all. Have a nice mice free day. I'll pray for the same for me.

1 comment:

  1. Mice are gross. Nothing worse than hearing mice scratching. I am sorry. I pray you win the war!


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