Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Day at Lagoon

Briana Speaking.

So yesterday Darcy, and our brother, and i went to lagoon. This was the first time I’ve been in about 10 years. i haven't been on a roller coaster in that time. It was terrifying and AWESOME! The first thing we went on was the white roller coaster. This is not a small roller coaster. i was screaming so much people were turning around laughing and looking to see if i was dying. My brother seemed slightly embarrassed by me. we all had a good laugh. i screamed on the rest of the rides too just not as much except for when we went on the rocket. it takes you SO high and drops you and you don't know when it will shoot you up or drop you depending on which you choose. It’s horrifying. Darcy after riding all the major rides we went to my brothers work lunch. It was yummy. After lunch my brother left which made Darcy and me sad because we did have fun with him. After that we proceeded to ride these awesome rides it was very fun i laughed so hard. o yeah, so Darcy and i walked by the haunted house ride and were like "lame" and we were saying how we never went through the entire ride with our eyes open; but i said "we can't just not go on it. Let’s see if it's as scary as when we were little" i wasn't willing to find out. We both had our eyes closed screaming. All the kids before us were afraid and now we know why. OK a word of advice to those of you planning to go to an amusement park in the future #1 eat a good breakfast #2 drink lots and lots of water #3 bring a water bottle with you. it was so hot yesterday! i was sweating profusely all day long! I’m a sweaty person anyways but this was ridiculous! And it was like no one else was sweating! What is that about? It’s probably because none of them were wearing clothing! i just can't believe the way girls dress. Most of them, if not all of them, were extremely short shorts and they were hanging out of their skimpy tank tops thinking they were all super cute! it was disturbing. i don't care how skinny you are! Have a little self-respect! All in all though, i thoroughly   enjoyed myself at the good old lagoon. Although i didn't have my dad or older sister to sit by on the scary rides like i did when i was little i loved it and hope to go again soon. The only thing bad about the day was the ride home and trying to get to sleep last night. at moments I’d still feel like i was on a ride and get scared and I’d be dizzy. There is more to our day at the amusement park so Darcy will have to tell you about that.

We went to the singles ward again today. I’m going to miss the ward we've been going to (our apartments in a different ward) it's a good ward. Lots of cute, tall guys. I think i look all right today i hope they thought so too ha ha ha. Well i guess that's all. Have a nice night

1 comment:

  1. I could just see you... screaming and the looks you got...classic.


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