Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Obsessed with One Direction

Darcy Speaking:

Long time no write!! I know right? Nothing new here... Oh wait there is! I am going on a mission for my church and I am going to the California San Bernardino Mission and I leave December 19! I was a little upset at first that it was only California but now I am super excited, scared, nervous, anxious, and the list goes on for hours.

So today's post will be about an obsession. I think I had a post once about how I love catchy songs. I don't care if the singing is 100% up to par just as long as the music is upbeat and catchy! I hate slow songs... drag and boring. So lately I have been listening to One Direction. First of all  I think the guys are funny and just cute. Yes cute. Like I want to pinch their cheeks cute!

Louis is my favorite. He is funny. He is the one on the very right. 

So I have been obsessed this last week with listening to them so I thought I would share some songs. Fun huh??

Yeah so there you have it. I am like a 12 year old.

Only I really am not 12. 

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