Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Darcy Speaking:

My older sister Kelly did a funny blog post about Halloween (here) and my other sister Marissa called me up wanting me to post pictures of my Halloween costumes!

First of all when I was little I never did anything spectacular for Halloween.. sad day really because Halloween is awesome and I wasted all those years being a witch, a princess, yada yada yada. Well one year I really smartened up and decided that I only get to dress up once a year and I am not getting any younger so I better make it worth it and better than everyone else's around me. Oh and I don't go out and buy costumes I use things I find around the house or borrow it from siblings. Good deal!

The first awesome costume was the Joker
(Oh and P.S. I love to make it a little girly!) 

Second up was Rod from Hot Rod

The Goblin King from the Labyrinth

Notice the makeup!! 
(The hair went better on my test run a couple weeks before, but it was good enough)

Last year I was Hannah Montana and my costume was fabulous but I had a horrible wig so it sort of ruined the effect... so you won't be seeing the costume... okay just the outfit though!!

But this year will be excellent!! I finally watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies this year for the first time all the way through so I am going to be Frodo!!


It will be excellent!! I will post pictures after Halloween.

I hope you enjoyed all the costumes!!


  1. Love it! nice non- boring post- haha. I was going to see if you would be a girl some year but then there is hannah montana. Good job.

  2. Girls are boring!! I can't ever think of cool girl costumes!

  3. I am excited to see your hairy feet!! hahaha!!! hot rod is my favorite!!! Maybe I should make Landon be that!!!


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