Monday, August 27, 2012

I hate the smell of Coffee.

Briana here!
It's been a while since I've written. I can't even remember the last time I wrote and what I wrote about. I guess I could easily go back and read my last post but I don't want to. So sorry if I repeat myself. A lot has happened in the last little while. Darcy and I moved out only to move back home a week later due to (this is all my opinion) a crazy roommate that I was not about to live with for a year. I think living at home and  commuting will be cheaper anyway. I haven't told anyone I know that I moved out let alone moved back in. I think people may have figured out I moved back in but I don't talk to anyone so... Anyway, I was also able to get a temporary job where Darcy works and it's been great then the other day I got a call saying that my job is no longer temporary but permanent. Then not even an hour later I get another call for a job interview at a different establishment. I wanted to cry because with me starting school I wouldn't be able to have two jobs. So I went to the job interview today. Since the store isn't open yet they held the interview at a Starbucks. The smell of coffee...The smell of coffee is one of the worst smells ever. My mother thinks that I could be alergic to it. I'm a member of the LDS/Mormon religion so I don't drink coffee so it works out unless you're asked to come interview in a Starbucks. I didn't do as well as I normally could because I had the worst headache (I NEVER get headaches) so I was trying not to dry heave during the interview and ended up not being bubbly and loud like the sorority girl and the other girl. they gave long elaborate answers and I was kinda quiet and woozy. But I think I did well enough. The interviewers were nice and I'm having an even harder time deciding where I should work. I'm leaning more toward the job I have just because it's sure. Who's to say I'll even get the job I interviewed for today...I still smell like coffee... I need to do what my brother suggested: get skinny, get married and have my husband take care of me. That would be the life. ha ha until next time! have a nice day!

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