Thursday, July 5, 2012

An Unconventional Blog and a little Magic

We don't have instagram.
We don't have fancy SLR cameras.
We don't have a huge closet full of clothes.

We DO have wit.
We DO have humor.
We DO have smarts.
We DO have a camera (although nothing fancy we will be posting pictures!)

Darcy Speaking:
Now that the basics are out of the way. So I am a huge Harry Potter fan, like huge! So the other day I was bored to tears! I wanted to get out and enjoy the sunshine and get some exercise out of the deal too. So I suggested that we go hiking to Briana. She firmly looked at me and said No. She didn't want to exercise or move or sweat. So that was a no go even after I begged and begged and googled a trail and begged. So after losing the battle with her I decided to sit and be bored. After that got old I needed to do something. So I thought... Why not be creative and crafty? I had been eyeing this craft for a while now and decided to do it. I mean I had everything I needed. So you might be wondering what this has to do with Harry Potter? Well the craft of choice was a wand. Yes you heard me correctly! A wand!

It looks a lot better in person! I think I will even take a picture for you while I use it next time. Yes I will do that. So now that you know I am a nerd I think I will stop talking now. My family says the above craft is the reason I am not married. Hmm. I thought it was the fact that I hadn't been out of the house for a year but what do I know maybe it is the wand.



  1. i always wanted to know how that craft would turn out! thanks for trying it!!! and showing it off, now if you could use some magic and send something magical my way, that would be great!

  2. I seriously wanted to make one, just for the fun of it! Good way to craft out the boredom.


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