Monday, July 9, 2012

I don't know.

Briana speaking. I guess the post falls to me today. I don’t know what I can tell you. Friday Darcy and my Brother and I went to salt lake and got a tour of Energy solutions arena. It was super fun. Saturday that same brother along with his wife and Darcy and I went to a car show except this show the cars drive down Main Street and you look at them. I loved it! I don’t know anything about cars except I love love love the look of old cars. Particularly 50’s cars. Who doesn’t? Why don’t they make cars to look like that anymore?
I have a question. What do normal people do? I asked my friends and their answer was “we don’t know we’re not normal” what a stupid answer. I sit around all day doing nothing. Literally nothing! Ok not literally. I’ll read and watch TV and a baseball game but that is it! I guess this is the reason I have no boyfriend. Did you know you can’t find one of those in your living room? Ridiculous, huh? I’m only 18 or I’d be really worried. Anywho, at the moment I have no idea what I am going to do with my life. Me mum thinks I should continue with cosmetology but I don’t know how I feel about that. Darcy wants me to move out and get an apartment with her but I have no job. Heck I don’t even have a driver’s license.  I really should do something about that… don’t ask.
Now that we’ve had a woe is me party, what’s next? Darcy and I have been going to the singles ward. Why are they so quiet?! I turned the page of my scriptures in sacrament meeting and it sounded like a tornado came through. Then I opened a candy and it was so loud Darcy could hear it (she’s 30% deaf, is that how you spell deaf?). It’s ridiculous. I have a funny story. So we were sitting in sacrament meeting and this little thing comes flying across the chapels and bounces off Darcy’s lap onto the floor by my feet. I looked down and it looked like a screw. So I’m thinking a screw fell out of the ceiling so I’m looking up, slightly terrified, trying to figure out what would soon come crashing on our heads. Then I picked up the “screw” and it turns out to be a little spring from the inside of a pen. Darcy just laughed at me. I couldn’t help it though. After the meeting was over we saw the culprit looking for the spring. She had been sitting so far from us. We didn’t give it back though because we’re dumb like that. It’s not that we were trying to be mean, we just didn’t want to go give it to her. Darcy wanted me to launch it back at her but I didn’t. If it’d been a hot guy that had lost that spring I would’ve given it back but it wasn’t. Although I must say that ward has many tall cuties. Being 5’10” I like them tall.
This brings me to my next subject, a stupid subject. I have this pet peeve. It is short girls with tall guys. It drive me insane (no offense to my sister in-law). I just think short girls have more chances to date guys. They should go for the short guys and leave the tall ones for tall girls. And to those tall guys who like short girls I don’t like you anyway…it’s just a pet peeve I had to voice.
Now that I have probably embarrassed myself with this post. I wish you every happiness. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. You could always come visit me for a little bit and go to the singles ward with my sis-in-law. Not all BYUI guys are totally weird, just the majority. haha. It could be a break from your monotonous life.


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