Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July...

Briana Speaking. I suppose this is my first post. This is such a big moment. What should I write about? OH! The forth of July just happened. I'll write about that! And I'll start from the beginning.
So every year on the night of the 3rd Darcy and I sleep out on the trampoline, despite that ridiculously bright light across the street and the bugs. Even though we can deal with that Darcy can't deal with a slight breeze. So as always we gathered our things together (sleeping bag to go under us, and our regular bedding) and headed out the door and walked the ten feet to the tramp (it was about 12:30am or so). First crack out of the barrel Darcy complains. I was so happy to be participating in this marvelous tradition but Darcy felt the breeze and was like "we have to go in. Last time it was windy my blanket flew off me. I don't want to wake up to find my blanket across the street." a bit dramatic don't you think? I replied "Oh I remember that. funny stuff." and she said "No you don't remember. you were asleep" (I have an awful memory. my family says I'm sleeping half my life and the other half I can't remember). It seemed like a familiar situation...Anyway, I finally Convinced her to stick it out for a while. So we were laying there and Darcy decided she hadn't complained enough so she said "the moon is in my eyes Briana. the wind is blowing. do you really think we'll ever be able to fall asleep?" it was a full moon. moving on from Darcy's negativity. We somehow got on the subject that Darcy never noticed the theme of the twilight book titles. While she was thinking of books I brought up a more pressing matter that I had read about on facebook earlier "Darcy, did you  know that the 'ABC song' and 'twinkle twinkle little star' have the same tune" she thought this was a ridiculous subject and replied "OK lets sing it at the same time" so we were both going to sing and prove that they had the same tune. Darcy wanted to know which song she should sing but I just told her to wing it and hope for the best. I guess we both wanted to sing  the ABC's but she stopped and changed her tune when she heard me say "A" so in her panic to sing the correct song she practically yelled "TWILIGHT" she didn't even sing the right tune. I was laughing so hard I was crying. After I stopped laughing we tried again except in the middle I stopped because I forgot the ABC's. Moving on. After a while Darcy complained about the slight breeze. Just because it was making the blankets whip us in the face and made the trees move she wanted to go in.

Darcy's list of irrational complaints                                           Briana's reasonable answers
The moon is too bright, we can't see the stars                           It's beautiful and I've seen 2 shooting stars
look at that tree it's like blown over                                         oh that? it's always been like that
the wind is so loud                                                                  it sounds like a beach, it's relaxing
our blankets will blow off of us                                                (i came up with a way to make them stay)
this blanket is whipping me in the face                                     I don't know what you're talking about

We made it two whole hours before we went in the house. The second we walked into door into the kitchen Darcy started knocking over big buckets. She says it was an accident and that her blanket go caught on the bucket handle but I know the truth. Because she was still awake she wanted everyone else to be. I could still hear the wind inside; the only difference was the breeze wasn't there to cool me down. I had to change out of my sweats and into leggings and take off my socks.
All in all I had a great time out doors. Darcy even got to use her "outside voice" as she calls it. Although she hated her life at the time, I know she enjoyed it sooooo much.
THE NEXT DAY...or the same day since we went in around two...We woke up got ready. I wore my awesome Phillies shirt and had an awesome fish tail braid in my hair. Anywho, we watched the town's parade (yummy candy) then I went with my brother and his in-laws to another town celebration. Since I wasn't home or had internet I was missing the Phillies game so I texted Darcy and asked how the game was going and this is what she said "what game?" some people. she then realized what I was talking about and checked the score. She said "9-2" but she didn't say who the scores belonged to and since the Phils lost to the same team the day before I was worried. Her exclamation points didn't help either because I couldn't tell if she was angry or excited. Don't worry, Phils won.
We then went swimming with our sister and her family. I had a blast! My fast sliding skills on the slide were lacking though. so Darcy was on her own. After swimming we came home to a marvelous BBQ. And that night we went and saw some fireworks. Well I suppose I've babbled enough. I'm going to go eat a hot dog.

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