Briana speaking.
Curse you Darcy! I said i would write about Lavern and Shirley. whatever. The other night we were watching TV and I said jokingly "let's watch Lavern and Shirley" I said it jokingly but I really wanted to watch it. I'd never watched it and didn't know what it was. I am now a Lavern and Shirley fan! I highly recommend it! I think I should have lived in the 70's. I would have done well there. I love the clothing the music the hair and now the television.
OK let me say a little something about myself. I love movies! I'm sure you've heard that I'm pretty lazy. Well, while I'm being lazy I'm not just staring at the wall, I'm watching movies and TV. Also, our family doesn't get together and play board games we watch movies. So what with all the movie watching I have come to see what movies are good and which are not (for example, Avatar fans don't know what a good movie is). What I'm getting at here is that I think I would make a great movie critic. So every once in a while I will review some movies on this here blog. Not just new movies but some old ones as well. So here is my first review. Don't make fun if it's not super wordy. I think I'll get better at this as time goes on...
(This blog is completely my opinion. I apologize if you are offended by that or your opinion does not match mine. Like, if I say someone is not good looking that is completely my opinion and i'm allowed my opinion.)
So Darcy, My brother and I went to the movies. We saw The Amazing Spider-Man. First of all it was Amazing! I don't know how many of you saw the old spider man movies from 2002. I was only in second grade when it came out but I tell you what, I did not like it. I disliked it so much that I've disliked anything spider man since. Let me tell you what was wrong with it. When you think "Super Hero" what do you think? I think buff and good looking; and since we're talking movies, they really have to have some good acting skills. I didn't get any of that from the 2002 spider-man. Toby Maguire just didn't cut it for me. He just doesn't have that super hero look. Kirsten Dunst was not my favorite either. Now I didn't read the comics but from my understanding the 2002 spider man didn't completely go along with the comic, for example his "webs" didn't come from his actual wrists but devices he made. I haven't seen the old one in a while because I avoid it so I don't want the focus of the review to be on the old ones. But I think we agree actors can make or break a movie. (This reviewing stuff is a lot harder than I thought...) In the Amazing Spider-man they did an amazing job with the actors! The guy who played Peter was very cute and he was a good actor! Also Emma Stone did very good. I don't think there was a single person in the cast I didn't like.
The Movie was put together well and did have those funny parts I always love. This movie made me love Spider Man again! I want to go see it again! I'm so so happy other people recognized that the old one was no bueno and thought to make another and redeem spider man! I highly recommend this movie! And it wasn't dirty! Yay! There are so many more reasons why this new spiderman is better than the old.
OK so maybe I shouldn't do movie reviews... I'll just tell you if they were worth seeing or not. You'll just have to trust me!!
The Amazing Spider Man: worth seeing!! Highly Recommended!
^^I couldn't find a good one of them together
The above is just a comparison I thought I'd do...I personally like the right better...
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